We hear in news reports that at least some Muslim rapists consider Western women to be sluts who deserve to be raped. But even if they deserved to be raped that would not make it wise to do so.
If a Muslim rapes a Western woman, and becomes infertile because he was infected with an STD, this is not a service to Islam or Allah. If our Muslim rapist infects his wife and makes her infertile, this is also not good for Islam. Is it really good to give the Western woman what she deserves at the expense of making Muslims infertle and therefore the world's Muslim population smaller? Will this really serve or please Allah?
Similarly, some might argue that what we need is vigorous enforcement of the laws against rape. But as I am not European policeman, prosecuter, judge, politician, or voter, I will leave the legal action to the Europeans.
This of course is not a statement made about any one person and simply reflects the statistical prevalence of STDs in the Western population, both male and female.
Similarly God warned man and Western man through the Abrahamic religions to avoid promiscuity. God further warned us through the scientific discovery of the germ theory of disease. Like ancient Egypt we have suffered through a long series of plauges, herpies, AIDS, etc. We have been warned and the warnings have been even more clear than those given to Pharaoh. As I child I thought Pharaoh's decisions were stupid and unrealistic, now I understand Pharaoh's decisions were stupid but very realistic. I have realized that Pharaoh was not a moron, he was an all too typical human being.
The Mulims who continued to follow the conservative sexual teachings that all Abrahamic religions hold in common have escaped these modern plauges. But just as children of Israel had to follow God's instructions to avoid God's wrath so Muslims need to follow God's instructions if they do not want to share the fate of the West.
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Last updated April 2, 2018
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