Religious Index
By Richard Bruce BA, MA, and PhC in Economics
Former Instructor St. John's University, New York City

Catholic Evangelization Through Media

Library Evangelization

You can Convince librarians to include Catholic books into public libraries. You need to know what librarians want, circulation, no controversy etc.

Getting Catholic movies into libraries

Secular book stores

How to encourage book stores to stock Catholic books. Secular book stores think that Bible book stores serve all religions or at least all denominations. So they do not realize that Catholics are often an unserved market.

Catholic Video

Catholic movies and TV shows free with Amzaon Prime Amazon Prime includes a huge collection of religious videos. Some are good. I am beginning to explore this, here are a few treasures I have found so far.

Religious movies nominated for Oscars. Many great religious movies have been nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress. Get the list here.

Children's Christian Video on the Net. This is a guide to Children's religious videos on advertizing and subscription services.

Religious Comics

Religious comics from a Catholic point of view

Comics on Catholic saints and other Catholic heroes

Bible comics from a Catholic point of view

Quality Pro-Christian graphic novels Graphic means comic books, not "adult."

Religious Index Page

Created January 3, 2019

Other Religious Topics

Religious Index Page
Radio reception tips, etc, to help Catholics listen to Catholic radio.

Probably the largest collection of AM radio reception tips on the Internet.

Reconciling religion & science index

Miracles, evidence for the faith index

Bible names typology miracle It impressed the professors, will it impress you.

Number theory miracle very popular

Reconciling nativity stories of Matthew and Luke Very popular

Religion and politics index

Church singles groups and divorce, index

My conversion story published in Catholic Digest most read Catholic periodical in English language

My article published in the New Oxford Review a Catholic intellectual magazine.

Religious Index Page

Secular Index Page