At this writing fall is upon us. The hot weather of summer will be replaced by the milder weather of fall. If the weather outside is mild we can open the windows and increase ventilation, this will carry infectious aerosols outside where they will be quickly, almost instantaneously, dispersed by the wind. If the virus lands on the ground and sticks then the ultraviolet portion of sunlight can inactivate the virus in minutes.
In hot weather pushing air outside and bringing fresh air in greatly increases the electricity needed to keep the indoor air cool. In cold weather ventilation increases the energy needed to keep the indoor air warm. The mild weather of spring and fall can allow us to maintain comfortable temperatures inside with out increasing our energy bills.
This is particularly important for stores, offices, schools, and other places where many people share the same indoor space. Families may also wish to follow this strategy to reduce the chance that one infected family member will infect the rest. Those people living alone may figure that they are safer without the ventilation.
According to at least one study something like half of the infections are caused by aerosols which are a problem inside but not so much outside. The average wind speed over land is five meters or sixteen feet per second. So aerosols are almost instantly dispersed. In many cases they will rise up into the air column that stretches many miles or kilometers above your head where they are no threat to anyone.
Cooler weather also allows to keep the indoors cooler at no cost, this can encourage the use of masks which are crucial to stopping the spread of COVID-19
So let us good use of the fall to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases. This will help us deal with winter when we will no doubt reduce ventilation and spend more time indoors.
My web pages on tips for better AM radio reception were number one on Google for about a decade and are still usually in the top three for the words AM radio reception. So apparently I am pretty good at inventing practical suggestions and organizing other people's suggestions. So perhaps I have something useful to say about COVID-19 also.
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