Or you might be having trouble with radio reception. Many low power AM radio stations cut their power at sundown because the FCC does not want them to interfere with other stations at night when AM signals can go farther. Even if the low power station does not cut their power the signal is often harder to get at night because of the interference of distant high power stations. You can record the station during the day and listen to the recording in the evening.
You can time shift your favorite program in several ways. You could buy a number of different types of equipment for between a hundred and two hundred dollars which will allow you to time shift easily.
There are a couple of free or cheap solutions, one (which I invented) uses an anti-burglar timer, and the other uses a VCR.
Finally, you can frequently get programs off the internet. Once you have downloaded the file you can play it back in the car or any where in the house with a little reasonably priced equipment.
You can probably figure out how to use the burglar timer yourself but as the how to series for dummies and idiots are so popular I will explain it.
This idea will only allow you to record on one side of the tape on most radio tape recorders. You will need a two hour tape to record a one hour program, and a one hour tape to record a half hour program. Two hour tapes use a thinner tape which is more likely to jam in the machine, 90 minute tapes are the longest that is recommended by many producers of tape recorders. Catholic fans of EWTN can get along on one hour of recording for almost all their programs and many EWTN programs are a half an hour. Fans of secular talk shows will want a way to record a three hour talk show.
One advantage of the burglar timer method is that the tapes can be played in your car's cassette player, while VCR tapes must be used at home.
Obviously you probably will not try this unless you own a VCR, but even if you do you might have to spend a few dollars buying cables that will allow you to hook up your radio to the VCR.
There used to be many types of equipment that you could buy for timed radio recording. As far as I have been able to determine only one is left, the CC Witness for about $150. You can get it directly from Crane, or Amazon.
Page last updated on May 4, 2019
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